Compiling a Lisp: Instruction encoding interlude

October 19, 2020


Welcome back to the Compiling a Lisp series. In this thrilling new update, we will learn a little bit more about x86-64 instruction encoding instead of allocating more interesting things on the heap or adding procedure calls.

I am writing this interlude because I changed one register in my compiler code (kRbp to kRsp) and all hell broke loose — the resulting program was crashing, rasm2/Cutter were decoding wacky instructions when fed my binary, etc. Over the span of two very interesting but very frustrating hours, I learned why I had these problems and how to resolve them. You should learn, too.

State of the instruction encoder

Recall that I introduced at least 10 functions that looked vaguely like this:

void Emit_mov_reg_imm32(Buffer *buf, Register dst, int32_t src) {
  Buffer_write8(buf, kRexPrefix);
  Buffer_write8(buf, 0xc7);
  Buffer_write8(buf, 0xc0 + dst);
  Buffer_write32(buf, src);

These functions all purport to encode x86-64 instructions. They do, most of the time, but they do not tell the whole story. This function is supposed to encode an instruction of the form mov reg64, imm32. How does it do it? I don’t know!

They have all these magic numbers in them! What is a kRexPrefix? Well, it’s 0x48. Does that mean anything to us? No! It gets worse. What are 0xc7 and 0xc0 doing there? Why are we adding dst to 0xc0? Before this debugging and reading extravaganza, I could not have told you. Remember how somewhere in a previous post I mentioned I was getting these hex bytes from reading the compiled output on the Compiler Explorer? Yeah.

As it turns out, this is not a robust development strategy, at least with x86-64. It might be okay for some more regular or predictable instruction sets, but not this one.

Big scary documentation

So where do we go from here? How do we find out how to take these mystical hexes and incantations to something that better maps to the hardware? Well, we once again drag Tom1 into a debugging session and pull out the big ol’ Intel Software Developer Manual.

This is an enormous 26MB, 5000 page manual comprised of four volumes. It’s very intimidating. This is exactly why I didn’t want to pull it out earlier and do this properly from the beginning… but here we are, eventually needing to do it properly.

I will not pretend to understand all of this manual, nor will this post be a guide to the manual. I will just explain what sections and diagrams I found useful in understanding how this stuff works.

I only ever opened Volume 2, the instruction set reference. In that honking 2300 page volume are descriptions of every Intel x86-64 instruction and how they are encoded. The instructions are listed alphabetically and split into sections based on the first letter of each instruction name.

Let’s take a look at Chapter 3, specifically at the MOV instruction on page   1209. For those following along who do not want to download a massive PDF, this website has a bunch of the same data in HTML form. Here’s the page for MOV.

This page has every variant of MOV instruction. There are other instructions begin with MOV, like MOVAPD, MOVAPS, etc, but they are different enough that they are different instructions.

It has six columns:

Other instructions have slightly different table layouts, so you’ll have to work out what the other columns mean.

Here’s a preview of some rows from the table, with HTML courtesy of Felix Cloutier’s aforementioned web docs:

Opcode Instruction Op/En 64-Bit Mode Compat/Leg Mode Description
88 /r MOV r/m8,r8 MR Valid Valid Move r8 to r/m8.
REX + 88 /r MOV r/m8***,r8*** MR Valid N.E. Move r8 to r/m8.
89 /r MOV r/m16,r16 MR Valid Valid Move r16 to r/m16.
89 /r MOV r/m32,r32 MR Valid Valid Move r32 to r/m32.
C7 /0 id MOV r/m32, imm32 MI Valid Valid Move imm32 to r/m32.
REX.W + C7 /0 id MOV r/m64, imm32 MI Valid N.E. Move imm32 sign extended to 64-bits to r/m64.

If you take a look at the last entry in the table, you’ll see REX.W + C7 /0 id. Does that look familiar? Maybe, if you squint a little?

It turns out, that’s the description for encoding the instruction we originally wanted, and had a bad encoder for. Let’s try and figure out how to use this to make our encoder better. In order to do that, we’ll need to first understand a general layout for Intel instructions.

Instruction encoding, big picture

All Intel x86-64 instructions follow this general format:

I found this information at the very beginning of Volume 2, Chapter 2 (page 527) in a section called “Instruction format for protected mode, real-address mode, and virtual-8086 mode”.

You, like me, may be wondering about the difference between “optional”, “if required”, and “…, or none”. I have no explanation, sorry.

I’m going to briefly explain each component here, followed up with a piece-by-piece dissection of the particular MOV instruction we want, so we get some hands-on practice.

Instruction prefixes

There are a couple kind of instruction prefixes, like REX (Section 2.2.1) and VEX (Section 2.3). We’re going to focus on REX prefixes, since they are needed for many (most?) x86-64 instructions, and we’re not emitting vector instructions.

The REX prefixes are used to indicate that an instruction, which might normally refer to a 32-bit register, should instead refer to a 64-bit register. Also some other things but we’re mostly concerned with register sizes.


Take a look at Section 2.1.2 (page 529) for a brief explanation of opcodes. The gist is that the opcode is the meat of the instruction. It’s what makes a MOV a MOV and not a HALT. The other fields all modify the meaning given by this field.

ModR/M and SIB

Take a look at Section 2.1.3 (page 529) for a brief explanation of ModR/M and SIB bytes. The gist is that they encode what register sources and destinations to use.

Displacement and immediates

Take a look at Section 2.1.4 (page 529) for a brief explanation of displacement and immediate bytes. The gist is that they encode literal numbers used in the instructions that don’t encode registers or anything.

If you’re confused, that’s okay. It should maybe get clearer once we get our hands dirty. Reading all of this information in a vacuum is moderately useless if it’s your first time dealing with assembly like this, but I included this section first to help explain how to use the reference.

Encoding, piece by piece

Got all that? Maybe? No? Yeah, me neither. But let’s forge ahead anyway. Here’s the instruction we’re going to encode: REX.W + C7 /0 id.


First, let’s figure out REX.W. According to Section 2.2.1, which explains REX prefixes in some detail, there are a couple of different prefixes. There’s a helpful table (Table 2-4, page 535) documenting them. Here’s a bit diagram with the same information:

0100WRXBHigh bitLow bitREX

In English, and zero-indexed:

This MOV instruction calls for REX.W, which means this byte will look like 0b01001000, also known as our friend 0x48. Mystery number one, solved!


This is a hexadecimal literal 0xc7. It is the opcode. There are a couple of other entries with the opcode C7, modified by other bytes in the instruction (ModR/M, SIB, REX, …). Write it to the instruction stream. Mystery number two, solved!


There’s a snippet in Section 2.1.5 that explains this notation:

If the instruction does not require a second operand, then the Reg/Opcode field may be used as an opcode extension. This use is represented by the sixth row in the tables (labeled “/digit (Opcode)”). Note that values in row six are represented in decimal form.

This is a little confusing because this operation clearly does have a second operand, denoted by the “MI” in the table, which shows Operand 1 being ModRM:r/m (w) and Operand 2 being imm8/16/32/64. I think it’s because it doesn’t have a second register operand that this space is free — the immediate is in a different place in the instruction.

In any case, this means that we have to make sure to put decimal 0 in the reg part of the ModR/M byte. We’ll see what the ModR/M byte looks like in greater detail shortly.


id refers to an immediate double word (32 bits). It’s called a double word because, a word (iw) is 16 bits. In increasing order of size, we have:

This means we have to write our 32-bit value out to the instruction stream. These notations and encodings are explained further in Section (page 596).

Overall, that means that this instruction will have the following form:


If we were to try and encode the particular instruction mov rax, 100, it would look like this:

REXOpModR/MImmediate012370x480xc70xc00x64 0x00 0x00 0x00

This is how you read the table! Slowly, piece by piece, and with a nice cup of tea to help you in trying times. Now that we’ve read the table, let’s go on and write some code.

Encoding, programatically

While writing code, you will often need to reference two more tables than the ones we have looked at so far. These tables are Table 2-2 “32-Bit Addressing Forms with the ModR/M Byte” (page 532) and Table 2-3 “32-Bit Addressing Forms with the SIB Byte” (page 533). Although the tables describe 32-bit quantities, with the REX prefix all the Es get replaced with Rs and all of a sudden they can describe 64-bit quantities.

These tables are super helpful when figuring out how to put together ModR/M and SIB bytes.

Let’s start the encoding process by revisiting Emit_mov_reg_imm32/REX.W + C7 /0 id:

void Emit_mov_reg_imm32(Buffer *buf, Register dst, int32_t src) {
  // ...

Given a register dst and an immediate 32-bit integer src, we’re going to encode this instruction. Let’s do all the steps in order.

REX prefix

Since the instruction calls for REX.W, we can keep the first line the same as before:

void Emit_mov_reg_imm32(Buffer *buf, Register dst, int32_t src) {
  Buffer_write8(buf, kRexPrefix);
  // ...



This opcode is 0xc7, so we’ll write that directly:

void Emit_mov_reg_imm32(Buffer *buf, Register dst, int32_t src) {
  Buffer_write8(buf, kRexPrefix);
  Buffer_write8(buf, 0xc7);
  // ...

Also the same as before. Nice.

ModR/M byte

ModR/M bytes are where the code gets a little different. We want an abstraction to build them for us, instead of manually slinging integers like some kind of animal.

To do that, we should know how they are put together. ModR/M bytes are comprised of:

This means we can write a function modrm that puts these values together for us:

byte modrm(byte mod, byte rm, byte reg) {
  return ((mod & 0x3) << 6) | ((reg & 0x7) << 3) | (rm & 0x7);

The order of the parameters is a little different than the order of the bits. I did this because it looks a little more natural when calling the function from its callers. Maybe I’ll change it later because it’s too confusing.

For this instruction, we’re going to:

That ends up looking like this:

void Emit_mov_reg_imm32(Buffer *buf, Register dst, int32_t src) {
  Buffer_write8(buf, kRexPrefix);
  Buffer_write8(buf, 0xc7);
  Buffer_write8(buf, modrm(/*direct*/ 3, dst, 0));
  // ...

Which for the above instruction mov rax, 100, produces a modrm byte that has this layout:


I haven’t put a datatype for mods together because I don’t know if I’d be able to express it well. So for now I just added a comment.

Immediate value

Last, we have the immediate value. As I said above, all this entails is writing out a 32-bit quantity as we have always done:

void Emit_mov_reg_imm32(Buffer *buf, Register dst, int32_t src) {
  Buffer_write8(buf, kRexPrefix);
  Buffer_write8(buf, 0xc7);
  Buffer_write8(buf, modrm(/*direct*/ 3, dst, 0));
  Buffer_write32(buf, src);

And there you have it! It took us 2500 words to get us to these measly four bytes. The real success is the friends we made along the way.

Further instructions

“But Max,” you say, “this produces literally the same output as before with all cases! Why go to all this trouble? What gives?”

Well, dear reader, having a mod of 3 (direct) means that there is no special-case escape hatch when dst is RSP. This is unlike the other mods, where there’s this [--][--] in the table where RSP should be. That funky symbol indicates that there must be a Scale-Index-Base (SIB) byte following the ModR/M byte. This means that the overall format for this instruction should have the following layout:


If you’re trying to encode mov [rsp-8], rax, for example, the values should look like this:


This is where an instruction like Emit_store_reg_indirect (mov [REG+disp], src) goes horribly awry with the homebrew encoding scheme I cooked up. When the dst in that instruction is RSP, it’s expected that the next byte is the SIB. And when you output other data instead (say, an immediate 8-bit displacement), you get really funky addressing modes. Like what the heck is this?

mov qword [rsp + rax*2 - 8], rax

This is actual disassembled assembly that I got from running my binary code through rasm2. Our compiler definitely does not emit anything that complicated, which is how I found out things were wrong.

Okay, so it’s wrong. We can’t just blindly multiply and add things. So what do we do?

The SIB byte

Take a look at Table 2-2 (page 532) again. See that trying to use RSP with any sort of displacement requires the SIB.

Now take a look at Table 2-3 (page 533) again. We’ll use this to put together the SIB.

We know from Section 2.1.3 that the SIB, like the ModR/M, is comprised of three fields:

Intel’s language is not so clear and is kind of circular. Let’s take a look at sample instruction to clear things up:

mov [base + index*scale + disp], src

Note that while index and base refer to registers, scale refers to one of 1, 2, 4, or 8, and disp is some immediate value.

This is a compact way of specifying a memory offset. It’s convenient for reading from and writing to arrays and structs. It’s also going to be necessary for us if we want to write to and read from random offsets from the stack pointer, RSP.

So let’s try and encode that Emit_store_reg_indirect.

Encoding the indirect mov

Let’s start by going back to the table enumerating all the kinds of MOV instructions (page 1209). The specific opcode we’re looking for is REX.W + 89 /r, or MOV r/m64, r64.

We already know what REX.W means:

void Emit_store_reg_indirect(Buffer *buf, Indirect dst, Register src) {
  Buffer_write8(buf, kRexPrefix);
  // ...

And next up is the literal 0x89, so we can write that straight out:

void Emit_store_reg_indirect(Buffer *buf, Indirect dst, Register src) {
  Buffer_write8(buf, kRexPrefix);
  Buffer_write8(buf, 0x89);
  // ...

So far, so good. Looking familiar. Now that we have both the instruction prefix and the opcode, it’s time to write the ModR/M byte. Our ModR/M will contain the following information:

Alright, let’s put that together with our handy-dandy ModR/M function.

void Emit_store_reg_indirect(Buffer *buf, Indirect dst, Register src) {
  Buffer_write8(buf, kRexPrefix);
  Buffer_write8(buf, 0x89);
  // Wrong!
  Buffer_write8(buf, modrm(/*disp8*/ 1, dst.reg, src));
  // ...

But no, this is wrong. As it turns out, you still have do this special thing when dst.reg is RSP, as I keep mentioning. In that case, rm must be the special none value (as specified by the table). Then you also have to write a SIB byte.

void Emit_store_reg_indirect(Buffer *buf, Indirect dst, Register src) {
  Buffer_write8(buf, kRexPrefix);
  Buffer_write8(buf, 0x89);
  if (dst.reg == kRsp) {
    Buffer_write8(buf, modrm(/*disp8*/ 1, kIndexNone, src));
    // ...
  } else {
    Buffer_write8(buf, modrm(/*disp8*/ 1, dst.reg, src));
  // ...

Astute readers will know that kRsp and kIndexNone have the same integral value of 4. I don’t know if this was intentional on the part of the Intel designers. Maybe it’s supposed to be like that so encoding is easier and doesn’t require a special case for both ModR/M and SIB. Maybe it’s coincidental. Either way, I found it very subtle and wanted to call it out explicitly.

For an instruction like mov [rsp-8], rax, our modrm byte will look like this:


Let’s go ahead and write that SIB byte. I made a sib helper function like modrm, with two small differences: the parameters are in order of low to high bit, and the parameters have their own special types instead of just being bytes.

typedef enum {
  Scale1 = 0,
} Scale;

typedef enum {
  kIndexRax = 0,
} Index;

byte sib(Register base, Index index, Scale scale) {
  return ((scale & 0x3) << 6) | ((index & 0x7) << 3) | (base & 0x7);

I made all these datatypes to help readability, but you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. The Index one is the only one that has a small gotcha: where kIndexRsp should be is kIndexNone because you can’t use RSP as an index register.

Let’s use this function to write a SIB byte in Emit_store_reg_indirect:

void Emit_store_reg_indirect(Buffer *buf, Indirect dst, Register src) {
  Buffer_write8(buf, kRexPrefix);
  Buffer_write8(buf, 0x89);
  if (dst.reg == kRsp) {
    Buffer_write8(buf, modrm(/*disp8*/ 1, kIndexNone, src));
    Buffer_write8(buf, sib(kRsp, kIndexNone, Scale1));
  } else {
    Buffer_write8(buf, modrm(/*disp8*/ 1, dst.reg, src));
  // ...

If you get it right, the SIB byte will have the following layout:


This is a very verbose way of saying [rsp+DISP], but it’ll do. All that’s left now is to encode that displacement. To do that, we’ll just write it out:

void Emit_store_reg_indirect(Buffer *buf, Indirect dst, Register src) {
  Buffer_write8(buf, kRexPrefix);
  Buffer_write8(buf, 0x89);
  if (dst.reg == kRsp) {
    Buffer_write8(buf, modrm(/*disp8*/ 1, kIndexNone, src));
    Buffer_write8(buf, sib(kRsp, kIndexNone, Scale1));
  } else {
    Buffer_write8(buf, modrm(/*disp8*/ 1, dst.reg, src));
  Buffer_write8(buf, disp8(indirect.disp));

Very nice. Now it’s your turn to go forth and convert the rest of the assembly functions in your compiler! I found it very helpful to extract the modrm/sib/disp8 calls into a helper function, because they’re mostly the same and very repetitive.

What did we learn?

This was a very long post. The longest post in the whole series so far, even. We should probably have some concrete takeaways.

If you read this post through, you should have gleaned some facts and lessons about:

Hopefully you enjoyed it. I’m going to go try and get a good night’s sleep. Until next time, when we’ll implement procedure calls!

Here’s a fun composite diagram for the road:

This is a composite of all the instruction encoding diagrams present in the post. If you're seeing this text, it means your browser cannot render SVG.

Mini Table of Contents

  1. If you are an avid reader of this blog (Do those people exist? Please reach out to me. I would love to chat.), you may notice that Tom gets pulled into shenanigans a lot. This is because Tom is the best debugger I have ever encountered, he’s good at reverse engineering, and he knows a lot about low-level things. I think right now he’s working on improving open-source tooling for a RISC-V board for fun. But also he’s very kind and helpful and generally interested in whatever ridiculous situation I’ve gotten myself into. Maybe I should add a list of the Tom Chronicles somewhere on this website. Anyway, everyone needs a Tom.