Inline caches in the Skybison Python runtime

November 7, 2022

Inline caching is a popular technique for optimizing dynamic language runtimes. The idea comes from the 1984 paper Efficient implementation of the Smalltalk-80 system (PDF) by L. Peter Deutsch and Allan M. Schiffman. I have written about it before (Inline caching and Inline caching: quickening), using a tiny sample interpreter.

While this tiny interpreter is good for illustrating the core technique, it does not have any real-world requirements or complexity: its object model models nothing of interest; the types are immutable; and there is no way to program for this interpreter using a text programming language. The result is somewhat unsatisfying.

In this post, I will write about the inline caching implementation in Skybison, a relatively complete Python 3.8 runtime originally developed for use in Instagram. It nicely showcases all of the fun and sharp edges of the Python object model and how we solved hard problems.

In order to better illustrate the design choices we made when building Skybison, I will often side-by-side it with a version of CPython, the most popular implementation of Python. This is not meant to degrade CPython; CPython is the reference implementation, it is extremely widely used, and it is still being actively developed. In fact, later (3.11+) versions of CPython use similar techniques to those shown here.

Optimization decisions

This post will talk about the inline caching system and in the process potentially mention a host of performance features built in to Skybison. They work really well together but ultimately they are orthogonal features and should not be conflated. Some of these ideas are:

For example, a lot of the inline caching infrastructure is made much more efficient because we have compact objects and layouts. And quickening reduces the number of comparisons about what cache state we are in. And the assembly interpreter makes inline caching even faster. And the JIT makes it faster still.

We will focus on inline caching of attribute loads for now.

Loading attributes

Python has a notion of object attributes and loading attributes looks like this:

def fn(obj):
  return obj.some_attribute

The object obj is on the left hand side and the attribute name some_attribute is on the right hand side. Because Python is a very dynamic language, over the lifetime of the function fn, obj can be any type. So the bytecode compiler for CPython emits a LOAD_ATTR opcode and calls it a day. No sense trying to wrangle the code into something more specific using static analysis.

The path for attribute lookups in CPython involves some generic dictionary lookups and function calls. We can take a look at the opcode handler for LOAD_ATTR in CPython and some of the library functions it uses to see what I mean:

    PyObject *name = GETITEM(names, oparg);
    PyObject *owner = TOP();
    PyObject *res = PyObject_GetAttr(owner, name);
    if (res == NULL)
        goto error;

The opcode handler fetches the top of the stack (the “owner” in CPython and “receiver” in Skybison and a lot of Smalltalk-inspired runtimes, but the important thing is that it’s the left hand side of the .), reads the string object name from a tuple on the code object, and passes them to PyObject_GetAttr.

PyObject_GetAttr does the required dispatch for an attribute lookup. It first ensures the attribute is a string, inspects the type of the receiver v, and calls the appropriate dictionary lookup function.

PyObject *
PyObject_GetAttr(PyObject *v, PyObject *name)
    PyTypeObject *tp = Py_TYPE(v);

    if (!PyUnicode_Check(name)) {
                     "attribute name must be string, not '%.200s'",
        return NULL;
    if (tp->tp_getattro != NULL)
        return (*tp->tp_getattro)(v, name);
    if (tp->tp_getattr != NULL) {
        char *name_str = PyUnicode_AsUTF8(name);
        if (name_str == NULL)
            return NULL;
        return (*tp->tp_getattr)(v, name_str);
                 "'%.50s' object has no attribute '%U'",
                 tp->tp_name, name);
    return NULL;

The normal tp_getattr slot is a generic function like PyObject_GenericGetAttr that reads from the dictionary on the type, figures out what offset the attribute is, checks if it is a descriptor, and so on and so forth. This is a lot of work.

PyObject_GetAttr is meant to be the entrypoint for most (all?) attribute lookups in CPython, so it has to handle every case. In the common case—attribute lookups in the interpreter with LOAD_ATTR—it’s doing too much. One small example of this is the PyUnicode_Check. We know in the interpreter that the attribute name will always be a string! Why check again?

Skybison also has a very generic LOAD_ATTR handler but it is only used if a function’s bytecode cannot be optimized. I have reproduced it here for reference so that you can see how similar it is to CPython’s:

HANDLER_INLINE Continue Interpreter::doLoadAttr(Thread* thread, word arg) {
  Frame* frame = thread->currentFrame();
  HandleScope scope(thread);
  Object receiver(&scope, thread->stackTop());
  Tuple names(&scope, Code::cast(frame->code()).names());
  Str name(&scope,;
  RawObject result = thread->runtime()->attributeAt(thread, receiver, name);
  if (result.isErrorException()) return Continue::UNWIND;
  return Continue::NEXT;

The more common case in Skybison is a cached attribute lookup. If you have read my mini-series on inline caching in the made-up interpreter, you will know that I encoded a state machine in the opcode handlers for method lookup: the uncached opcode handler transitioned to either a caching version once it saw its first objects. Skybison does something similar, but it does it better.

Skybison starts with LOAD_ATTR_ANAMORPHIC: the state that has seen no objects. When it is first executed, it does a full attribute lookup—dictionaries and all—and then caches the result if possible.

HANDLER_INLINE Continue Interpreter::doLoadAttrAnamorphic(Thread* thread,
                                                          word arg) {
  word cache = currentCacheIndex(thread->currentFrame());
  return loadAttrUpdateCache(thread, arg, cache);

Depending on the type of the receiver and the type of the attribute value that was found on the object (yes, this is important!), we rewrite the current opcode to something more specialized. I have annotated loadAttrUpdateCache:

Continue Interpreter::loadAttrUpdateCache(Thread* thread, word arg,
                                          word cache) {
  HandleScope scope(thread);
  Frame* frame = thread->currentFrame();
  Function function(&scope, frame->function());
  // ...
  Object receiver(&scope, thread->stackTop());
  Str name(&scope, Tuple::cast(Code::cast(frame->code()).names()).at(arg));

  Object location(&scope, NoneType::object());
  LoadAttrKind kind;
  // Do the full attribute lookup. Attribute kind, if applicable, is stored in
  // `kind` and and location information, if applicable, is stored in
  // `location`.
  Object result(&scope, thread->runtime()->attributeAtSetLocation(
                            thread, receiver, name, &kind, &location));
  // The attribute might not exist or execution of the attribute lookup might
  // have raised an exception; attribute lookups can execute arbitrary code.
  if (result.isErrorException()) return Continue::UNWIND;
  if (location.isNoneType()) {
    // We can't cache this looup for some reason.
    return Continue::NEXT;

  // Cache the attribute load.
  MutableTuple caches(&scope, frame->caches());
  ICState ic_state = icCurrentState(*caches, cache);
  Function dependent(&scope, frame->function());
  LayoutId receiver_layout_id = receiver.layoutId();
  if (ic_state == ICState::kAnamorphic) {
    switch (kind) {
      case LoadAttrKind::kInstanceOffset:
        rewriteCurrentBytecode(frame, LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE);
        icUpdateAttr(thread, caches, cache, receiver_layout_id, location, name,
      case LoadAttrKind::kInstanceFunction:
        rewriteCurrentBytecode(frame, LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE_TYPE_BOUND_METHOD);
        icUpdateAttr(thread, caches, cache, receiver_layout_id, location, name,
      case LoadAttrKind::kInstanceProperty:
        rewriteCurrentBytecode(frame, LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE_PROPERTY);
        icUpdateAttr(thread, caches, cache, receiver_layout_id, location, name,
      case LoadAttrKind::kInstanceSlotDescr:
        rewriteCurrentBytecode(frame, LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE_SLOT_DESCR);
        icUpdateAttr(thread, caches, cache, receiver_layout_id, location, name,
      case LoadAttrKind::kInstanceType:
        rewriteCurrentBytecode(frame, LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE_TYPE);
        icUpdateAttr(thread, caches, cache, receiver_layout_id, location, name,
      case LoadAttrKind::kInstanceTypeDescr:
        rewriteCurrentBytecode(frame, LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE_TYPE_DESCR);
        icUpdateAttr(thread, caches, cache, receiver_layout_id, location, name,
      case LoadAttrKind::kModule: {
        ValueCell value_cell(&scope, *location);
        DCHECK(location.isValueCell(), "location must be ValueCell");
        icUpdateAttrModule(thread, caches, cache, receiver, value_cell,
      } break;
      case LoadAttrKind::kType:
        icUpdateAttrType(thread, caches, cache, receiver, name, location,
        UNREACHABLE("kinds should have been handled before");
  } else {
    // ...
  return Continue::NEXT;

Then we never see the opcode handler for LOAD_ATTR_ANAMORPHIC again! The opcode has monomorphic specialization: it has been specialized for the one type it has seen.

We have also stored the receiver’s layout ID and attribute offset in the cache with icUpdateAttr. icUpdateAttr handles writing to the cache, including both the write to the cache tuple and registering dependencies—which we’ll talk about later.

For now, we’ll take a tour through the monomorphic attribute handler.


There is a lot going on here but a very common case is a field on an object, like the below Python code, so we will focus on that:

class C:
  def __init__(self):
    self.value = 5

def lookup_value(obj):
  return obj.value

# First: anamorphic -> monomorphic
# Second: monomorphic!

This case is the LoadAttrKind::kInstanceOffset case. We have a special opcode to handle this: LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE.

HANDLER_INLINE Continue Interpreter::doLoadAttrInstance(Thread* thread,
                                                        word arg) {
  Frame* frame = thread->currentFrame();
  word cache = currentCacheIndex(frame);
  RawMutableTuple caches = MutableTuple::cast(frame->caches());
  RawObject receiver = thread->stackTop();
  bool is_found;
  RawObject cached =
      icLookupMonomorphic(caches, cache, receiver.layoutId(), &is_found);
  if (!is_found) {
    return Interpreter::loadAttrUpdateCache(thread, arg, cache);
  RawObject result = loadAttrWithLocation(thread, receiver, cached);
  return Continue::NEXT;

This opcode handler does much less than the generic version. It does a monomorphic lookup (a load and compare) and then a load from the receiver. If the types don’t match then we do another full lookup and transition to a polymorphic (multiple types) opcode, which we’ll look at in the next section.

inline RawObject icLookupMonomorphic(RawMutableTuple caches, word cache,
                                     LayoutId layout_id, bool* is_found) {
  word index = cache * kIcPointersPerEntry;
  DCHECK(! + kIcEntryKeyOffset).isUnbound(),
         " is expected to be monomorphic");
  RawSmallInt key = SmallInt::fromWord(static_cast<word>(layout_id));
  if ( + kIcEntryKeyOffset) == key) {
    *is_found = true;
    return + kIcEntryValueOffset);
  *is_found = false;
  return Error::notFound();

This looks like a lot of code still but it actually only takes a few machine instructions in the fast path. When optimized by a C++ compiler, this function does:

Now, you may say that that is a lot of loads—and it kind of is—but it is still fewer instruction and loads than the slot-based function call and multiple dictionary lookup dispatch that we would otherwise require for an uncached lookup.

This could probably still be reduced further by hand, which we have done in our assembly implementation of the Python interpreter. In a compiled representation of this cache, we could eliminate the loads required for cache index, cache tuple, receiver, stored layout ID, and cached attribute offset—they would all be encoded directly into the machine code.

Additionally, the assembly interpreter uses the system stack (rsp) so pushes and pops are much cheaper and have their own instructions: the familiar x86 push and pop.

But what about the slow path? What if we are seeing a different type this time around? Well, it’s morphin’ time. Let’s transition to the polymorphic cache in loadAttrUpdateCache:

Continue Interpreter::loadAttrUpdateCache(Thread* thread, word arg,
                                          word cache) {
  // ... full attribute lookup here ...

  // Cache the attribute load
  MutableTuple caches(&scope, frame->caches());
  ICState ic_state = icCurrentState(*caches, cache);
  Function dependent(&scope, frame->function());
  LayoutId receiver_layout_id = receiver.layoutId();
  if (ic_state == ICState::kAnamorphic) {
    // ...
  } else {
        currentBytecode(thread) == LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE ||
            currentBytecode(thread) == LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE_TYPE_BOUND_METHOD ||
            currentBytecode(thread) == LOAD_ATTR_POLYMORPHIC,
        "unexpected opcode");
    switch (kind) {
      case LoadAttrKind::kInstanceOffset:
      case LoadAttrKind::kInstanceFunction:
        rewriteCurrentBytecode(frame, LOAD_ATTR_POLYMORPHIC);
        icUpdateAttr(thread, caches, cache, receiver_layout_id, location, name,
  return Continue::NEXT;

We transition from LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE to LOAD_ATTR_POLYMORPHIC and also (with icUpdateAttr) transition the cache from a monomorphic cache (key+value) to a polymorphic cache (tuple of multiple key+value).


The polymorphic attribute lookup is the common transition target of several different monomorphic instance lookups—the ones that only store field offsets. It is different from the monomorphic lookups in that it has to check against multiple stored layout IDs, so we do not further specialize the polymorphic case into instance vs type bound method cases.

HANDLER_INLINE Continue Interpreter::doLoadAttrPolymorphic(Thread* thread,
                                                           word arg) {
  Frame* frame = thread->currentFrame();
  RawObject receiver = thread->stackTop();
  LayoutId layout_id = receiver.layoutId();
  word cache = currentCacheIndex(frame);
  bool is_found;
  RawObject cached = icLookupPolymorphic(MutableTuple::cast(frame->caches()),
                                         cache, layout_id, &is_found);
  if (!is_found) {
    return loadAttrUpdateCache(thread, arg, cache);
  RawObject result = loadAttrWithLocation(thread, receiver, cached);
  return Continue::NEXT;

The function icLookupPolymorphic is similar in structure to its monomorphic sibling except that it loops over all of the stored layout IDs to check.

inline RawObject icLookupPolymorphic(RawMutableTuple caches, word cache,
                                     LayoutId layout_id, bool* is_found) {
  word index = cache * kIcPointersPerEntry;
  DCHECK( + kIcEntryKeyOffset).isUnbound(),
         " is expected to be polymorphic");
  RawSmallInt key = SmallInt::fromWord(static_cast<word>(layout_id));
  caches = MutableTuple::cast( + kIcEntryValueOffset));
  for (word j = 0; j < kIcPointersPerPolyCache; j += kIcPointersPerEntry) {
    if ( + kIcEntryKeyOffset) == key) {
      *is_found = true;
      return + kIcEntryValueOffset);
  *is_found = false;
  return Error::notFound();

The fast path is similar: find the cached offset, load from the receiver, and get out. The slow path requires a full lookup and updating the cache.

There is one detail that is important here that I glossed over in the LOAD_ATTR_INSTANCE handler. loadAttrWithLocation is not just a wrapper for a simple field load. It also handles the Python object model logic for binding methods.

When an object has a function as an attribute on the object’s type, the function must be wrapped together with the object as a “bound method.” When it is just an attribute on the instance, it must not be wrapped. See, for example:

class C:
    def f(self):
        return 1

def g(self):
    return 2

obj = C(g)
print(obj.f)  # <bound method C.f of <__main__.C object at 0x7ff922f3fa90>>
obj.g = g
print(obj.g)  # <function g at 0x7ff923019e18>

So loadAttrWithLocation is used only in the instance case and handles the bound method allocation if need be. It also deals with the split between in-object attributes and overflow attributes—which are an implementation detail of our object layout system.

HANDLER_INLINE USED RawObject Interpreter::loadAttrWithLocation(
    Thread* thread, RawObject receiver, RawObject location) {
  if (location.isFunction()) {
    HandleScope scope(thread);
    Object self(&scope, receiver);
    Object function(&scope, location);
    return thread->runtime()->newBoundMethod(function, self);

  word offset = SmallInt::cast(location).value();

  DCHECK(receiver.isHeapObject(), "expected heap object");
  RawInstance instance = Instance::cast(receiver);
  if (offset >= 0) {
    return instance.instanceVariableAt(offset);

  // ... handle overflow attributes ...

This caching system that we’ve looked at so far is pretty straightforward when types are immutable. If the receiver is a different type than we expect, we update the cache. But what if types themselves could chnage?

Modifying types

As it turns out, that is the world we live in: in Python, most types are like any other object and are mutable. Any ordinary user code can change the attributes, methods, and other metadata about types.

For example, here we add a property to a type after it is created:

class C:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 5

obj = C()
print(obj.value)  # 5
C.value = property(lambda self: 100)
print(obj.value)  # 100

Just setting C.value = 100 would not cause obj.value to change. It is the __get__ method on property that takes precedence over “normal” attribute lookups. Nowhere in our fast-path attribute read code does this get handled. We don’t check that the type is the same. Checking that the type is the same the naive way would involve walking up the entire method resolution order (MRO) and checking if every single type was the same as we expected. Slow. Instead, we invalidate our assumptions on writes.1

I mentioned “dependencies” briefly earlier. There is some code in icUpdateAttr that registers the function containing the cache as “dependent” on the type of the receiver. Then, when something makes a change to a given type, we go an invalidate all of its dependent caches and the dependents of types in its inheritance hierarchy.

We can do this extremely slow operation when types change because we expect attribute lookups to be frequent and changes to types after they are used to be very rare.

Looking at the dependency invalidation code is really neat because it is the “Maxwell’s Equations” (not me—the physics guy) of the Python type system. Take a look at runtime/ic.h and runtime/ic.cpp for a deep dive.

Other things to go explore

We have our layout system in runtime/layout.h and runtime/layout.cpp. This showcases the thin veneer on top of type objects that we use to track where attributes are on different types of objects. In Skybison this is called “layouts” but in other systems it is called “hidden classes”, “object shapes”, and probably some other names.

We have our assembly interpreter (interpreter written in assembly; called “template interpreter” by the JVM folks) and template JIT compiler in runtime/interpreter-gen-x64.cpp.

The JIT compiler we are building on top of CPython called Cinder, which you can play with at

The rest of the excellent resources (written mostly by other people) on runtime optimization. There are a bunch that touch on inline caching and hidden classes. I think the one that made it click for me was An Inline Cache Isn’t Just A Cache by Matthew Gaudet.


Thank you to all of the many people who wrote great language runtimes, people who preceded me on the team, and people who I worked with on the team. You came up with most of the ideas. I just chronicle them here.

  1. We do this by eagerly invalidating the fast-path code when the type changes but some runtimes, like PyPy, have a version check in the fast path. Then on the slow path, they just bump the versions of all the relevant types in the hierarchy.