Interpreters and compilers; or, Potato potato

June 30, 2023


For whatever reason, people feel compelled to make a big hullabaloo about the distinction between compilers and interpreters1. My friend Kartik and I had a conversation about this tendency after reading Laurence Tratt’s Brainfuck interpreter post, Compiled and Interpreted Languages: Two Ways of Saying Tomato and I decided to write a post of my own.

Laurence’s post does a great job of iteratively adding more ahead-of-time preprocessing (compilation!) stages to a simple Brainfuck interpreter. If that already makes you think enough about this, great. Feel free to close this tab. If you want more “real world” examples, read on.

This post will show you a bunch of examples and ask you “interpreter or compiler?” and hopefully you will realize the line is fuzzier than you previously thought and maybe not always a useful distinction. Or at least that if you’re confused, it’s a system that includes both an interpreter and a compiler.

Bigger languages

There are some projects like Elk that run JavaScript right off the source text. This avoids allocation as much as possible because it’s designed for microcontrollers, but is slower than your average JS runtime as a result. I think most people would call this an interpreter.

There are some languages like Forth whose implementations generally read one word of input at a time and act on that. Kind of like just running off of the output of a tokenizer. Interpreter? Probably, yes.

Some projects like old versions of the main Ruby implementation (MRI) build an abstract syntax tree (AST) and run code from the AST. Interpreter? Compiler? I think most people would still say interpreter, despite having a transformation pass from text to tree. If I recall correctly, people on the internet circa 2012 really loved to define “interpreter” as only the tree-walking kind.

Nowadays MRI turns the AST into bytecode before running it. This reduces the amount of pointer chasing and allows for some optimization. This all happens transparently to you, the programmer, and the bytecode never leaves the VM. Hmmm, things are getting a little fuzzier. There’s another code transformation, this time from tree to linearized bytecode…

CPython takes this a step further with .pyc files and Java with .class files (it’s in the spec!). Does having an artifact on disk skew your perception of what’s going on? Even if the artifact is “just bytecode”?

Further, some Java runtimes like the OpenJDK even turn the bytecode into machine code before running it, though the machine code tends not to hit the disk. At this point we’re several transformation layers deep. Is the OpenJDK an interpreter? A compiler?

And what about Clang, which takes in C++ code and emits machine code to disk? Would you call that a compiler? What if I told you that they have not one, but two different interpreters inside the compiler itself? That the constexpr tree-walking interpreter needed to be turned into a bytecode interpreter to improve compile times?

…and the interpreter that runs your x86? Is it not an interpreter if it’s written in digital circuits?

I think the main takeaway I am trying to push is that internet discourse about this has gotten a little silly and doesn’t help people learn things. Interpreters tend to contain compilers and compilers tend to contain interpreters. It’s a nice symbiotic coexistence. And if you really need to draw a line somewhere, then I guess compilers turn programs into other programs and interpreters turn programs into values. Or something like that. It gets a little fuzzy when you treat the code as data.


The post I was originally going to write on this topic involved actually writing an interpreter and iteratively transforming it into more of a compiler, doing all of the steps that the projects mentioned above do. But there are only so many hours in the day, so this is left as an extended exercise for the reader. Take a look at David Beazley’s Wabbit as a good language target. Please let me know if you do this and I will happily link it here.

Also, what this doesn’t address is that some languages require more run-time glue code, called “a runtime”, to happen around the edges of your application code. Features like reflection, dynamic dispatch, garbage collection, etc all add a bit of runtime code into the mix. People who see implementations that include a runtime tend to point their fingers and yell “interpreter!” but I think it’s a red herring.

Last, it doesn’t address why you might want to do more or less program transformation up front for your workload. Some very bright people at a large social media company wanted to spin up a project for just-in-time (JIT) compiling C++ because the cost of ahead-of-time (AOT) compiling a bazillion lines of C++ was just too high. The same social media company, for a different project, also wanted to spend a little more time compiling their Python code to get better run-time performance.

So… find your place on the Pareto frontier and do as much compilation as you need.

  1. Not to mention conflating languages and implementations. But that’s both an inference you can make from this post and a rant for another day.